Side event at the un ocean conference 2022. right to the science and marine justice

Enoy the presentations of our panelists of this side event, who present diferent perspectives about the right to science and marine justice as critical concepts in the ocean law and ocean governance at all levels

"The Right to Science" by Marcos Orellana, UN Special Rapporteur on toxics and human rights

“Marine justice and right to science. From the basin to the reef perspective” by Alejandro Tamayo, centinelas del agua

“Mainstreaming transparency, science-based decision-making and justice: ocean and communities" by gloria estenzo ramos, oceana philiphines

"Building the concept of marine justice and the social component of the SDG14” by ana lucia maya-aguirre, observatory for marine and coastal governance

“Science as a human right and tool for environmental justice” by María josé González Bernat, aida

“Collaborative monitoring and communication: Reef health science for ALL in the mesoamerican reef” by Melina Soto, Healthy Reefs for Healthy People